Before I met Vic, I would have thought the idea of running more than a mile was just silly. Why would anybody want to subject themselves to such a thing? Next thing I know I'm training for a 5k. Then a 10k. Then a half marathon. Then with Vic's encouragement, coaching, and with him by my side on race day, I trained for and finished a 50K Ultra-Marathon through the Blue Ridge mountains of Virginia. My goal for the Uber-ROC 50K was to "just finish." After an unforgettable 9 hours, 28 minutes, and 6 seconds of bruises, blisters, cramped muscles, sweat, pain, running, walking, and sometimes almost crawling with Vic by my side offering encouragement, guidance and motivation, I became an ultra-marathon finisher. I've subsequently finished two 26.2 marathons and have more races in my future.
Vic opened my eyes to a different world, welcomed me into it, and helped me set and achieve personal fitness goals I could never have imagined possible. It has had an enduring impact on my self-confidence, helped me be a better person, better father, and has helped me every day in my career. Thank you Vic for the inspiration to believe I could and the friendship, support, and guidance to help me do things I never before thought I could.